I miss scrapbooking. I love to scrapbook, the problem is...I am a very SLOW scrapbooker. It's time consuming and I have enough issues with choosing paper and embellishments and now that I like to add stamping to my layouts it takes me even longer. I felt as if I was letting my family and myself down by not recording our lives. I will never be caught up but I feel that Project Life is a way for me to get the words into my albums that I want and record our life as we live it. I scrapbook to tell my kids stories or offer advice or to let them know what I am feeling. Scrapbooking for me has always been about the journaling. I start with what I want to say before I ever put a page sketch together. Project Life is the perfect solution for that.
If you aren't familiar with Project Life you can go to Becky Higgins site. There is a video and kits and a whole bunch of inspiration.
You can also Google "Project Life" and be put on information overload.
I am hoping to stay on top of it all year. Here is my title page) ):
When I started the Seafoam kit wasn't available. I purchased the digi kit of it instead and I am so happy I did! My hand was still in a cast and stamping or writing at that point was impossible. I was able to journal on the cards in Photoshop and then just print them out. I love the option of having the digi kit. It's faster for me to type everything out and then just tuck it in the pockets. For this page I used my Silhouette to cut the 2013, "this is real life" & "our everyday family moments". I created the "love is" card in photoshop. I used a digi patterned paper from Mel Stampz. It worked perfectly with the Seafoam kit.
Thanks for looking. I will be back tomorrow with week 1. I did some stamping in that one.
Have a great day and stay warm...it's FREEZING here! brrrrrrr....
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